The Second Sunday of Advent

A reflection from Father Frederick Zagone, S.J., University Chaplain

A few nights ago I was flipping through the television channels and stumbled upon A Charlie Brown Christmas. I was moved again listening to Linus explain the true meaning of Christmas from the Gospel of Luke to a frustrated Charlie Brown. In case you’ve forgotten, you may watch it here.

Our world today can present us with many reasons to lose hope with opportunities, attractions, and distractions that make it easy to lose sight of the true meaning of the Christmas season. We have been faced with coronavirus, racism, poverty, political unrest, and some of the highest crime statistics ever. But in fact, this is the Season of Hope, whether from the lights of the Christmas tree, the glow of the Advent Wreath candles, the flame of the Menorah, or perhaps simply the sky on a rare day of sunshine in a Milwaukee December. All of these can remind us of the presence of God and the promise of hope that is fulfilled in this holy season.

At today’s Mass, we heard Psalm 126 as the response. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. How easy it is to focus on the negative. How wonderful this season to be reminded of God’s promise. We can be filled with joy!

See the joy and hope in the faces of the people around you. See it in the faces of your family and friends and coworkers. See it in your own face when you look in the mirror. Doing this will allow each of us to welcome that little baby on Christmas, the way that Mary and Joseph so willingly welcomed him into their lives. And know that God so lovingly welcomes us into His.

Have a graced Advent from all of us at Marquette University.

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