Distinguished Alumna in Dentistry Award
Lisa J. Koenig, D.D.S., Dent ’87
Pewaukee, Wis.
Passionate about sharing her expertise with future dentists, Lisa Koenig, D.D.S., has a history of valued service to the School of Dentistry, as professor emerita of oral medicine and oral radiology and former associate dean for academic affairs.
Her relationship with the Marquette School of Dentistry began unusually. When she arrived in the U.S. from England, she discovered that her dental degree was not recognized here; to practice dentistry in Wisconsin, she would need to return to school. Dismayed, she was planning a career switch when Dr. Prem Sharma, then associate dean for academic affairs, called to say that a sophomore had just left Marquette’s program. He offered Lisa that spot in the class of 1987. “The rest is history,” she says.
She ultimately joined the Marquette faculty and was recognized with the School of Dentistry Teaching Award in 2009, followed by the Rev. P. Raynor All-University teaching excellence award. “They were both huge honors for me,” Lisa says, “and the latter also for the dental school as it had been 23 years since the last dental faculty member had won the award.”
Lisa is renowned in the field of oral and maxillofacial radiology, not just in the U.S., but globally. Lisa’s textbook, Diagnostic Imaging: Oral and Maxillofacial, now in its third edition, is used around the world. Her influence extends beyond her publications and numerous accolades — she is recognized as a successful radiologist in the dental field and has inspired and mentored others to pursue academic careers. She served as president of both Omicron Kappa Upsilon and the American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
Now retired, Lisa spends lots of time with her grandchildren but remains engaged in her field. “I have always worked extremely hard and feel that has brought me many rewards, both large and small,” she says. “Marquette instills in you a need to strive for excellence knowing this will allow you to make a difference.”
Fun Facts:
Name someone (past or present) with whom you'd like to have dinner.
JFrederic Chopin, my favorite composer.
What is one of your favorite Marquette memories?
The day I was offered the position of associate dean for academic affairs. The decision had been several months in the making, and I think it was the only time I cried in front of anybody during my career.