2024 All-University Award Recipients


Colleen LawtonAlumna of the Year Award u  
Colleen Anne Fotsch Lawton, M.D., Arts ’79
Oconomowoc, Wis.

For Dr. Colleen A. F. Lawton, the pursuit of a profession became much more than a career; it became a calling to improve the lives of others by advancing world-class cancer care. Her drive is fueled not just by a desire to leave a footprint as a caring clinician but to pave a path for those who follow through mentorship.

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Jo Ann SchedlerProfessional Achievement Award
Jo Ann Gardner Lenz Schedler, Nurs ’82
Gresham, Wis.

The threads of history and tradition are interwoven, forming a fabric to preserve and pass on to future generations. It is a sacred duty Jo Ann Gardner Schedler has dedicated her life to fulfilling. As a tribal leader, historian, and advocate for education, Jo Ann weaves a narrative that honors community and empowers future Native leaders.

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James FoleyService Award
James Wright Foley, Arts ’96 (posthumously) and the James W. Foley Legacy Foundation
Portsmouth, N.H.

The foundation of moral courage Jim Foley gained at Marquette and continued to develop throughout his career as a frontline, conflict zone journalist guided him to tell the stories of the voiceless and those trapped in turmoil in war-torn regions. His ultimate sacrifice in the line of reporting inspired the creation and heroic ongoing work of the James W. Foley Legacy Foundation, which advocates tirelessly on behalf of Americans held captive abroad, journalist safety and inspiring moral courage one person at a time.

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Matthew WagnerSpirit of Marquette Award (achievement before age 40)
Matthew D. Wagner, Bus Ad ’07
Long Grove, Ill.

For Matt Wagner, success has no finish line. Instead, it’s defined by ongoing impact. Working in service to others, Matt not only expands his company's horizons but also inspires personal growth and fulfillment for his team.

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u Celebrating a Marquette Reunion