2024 College of Business Administration Award Recipients


GiffhornDistinguished Alumnus of the Year Award
Michael A. Giffhorn, Bus Ad ’80, Grad ’81
New Berlin, Wis.

Now retired after thirty years at the helm of his own company, Michael Giffhorn is using his entrepreneurial expertise to aid Milwaukee-area start-ups and nonprofit organizations. “My post-retirement years have been some of the most rewarding years of my life,” says Mike, former president of Cubic Designs, a steel fabrication company.

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SallaberryService Award
Matthew A. Sallaberry, Bus Ad ’00
Saint Louis, Mo.

Matthew Sallaberry has devoted time and energy to helping students in his area experience a Marquette education. Twelve years ago, he and a small group of passionate alumni started an endowed St. Louis Alumni Club Scholarship Fund. It is now the second largest Marquette alumni club scholarship fund in the nation.

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DwyerEntrepreneurial Award
John R. Dwyer, Jr., Bus Ad ’78
Potomac, Md.

A long-time business leader and health care entrepreneur, John R. Dwyer is committed to discovering therapies for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. He is president and co-founder of the Global Alzheimer’s Platform (GAP) Foundation, a nonprofit that runs clinical trials with the goal of “speeding cures to patients afflicted with this insidious disease.”

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NunooYoung Alumnus of the Year Award u
Stanley Nunoo, Bus Ad ’09
New York, N.Y.

Stanley Nunoo has clearly taken the Marquette values of excellence and service to heart. He’s not only a successful portfolio manager with BlackRock, but he’s also actively guiding young people from underrepresented communities toward jobs on Wall Street.

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