2023 All-University Award Recipients



Tom WernerAlumnus of the Year Award
Thomas H. Werner, Eng ’86
Los Altos, Calif.

Tom started his educational and career path with high aspirations and specific goals – the type of dreams and opportunities he now hopes to empower for others. He recognizes how fortunate he has been to receive the education and achieve the professional success that has shaped his life, and he’s made it a personal mission to enable the same experiences for future generations of Marquette students.

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Rajesh VashistProfessional Achievement Award
Rajesh Vashist, Grad ’84
Los Altos Hills, Calif.

Rajesh Vashist believes in the power of innovation – in technology, business, and culture. He believes that all three factors are required, and they must be in balance for a company to grow and prosper over decades. He also believes that one way to make the world a better place is to provide the people in his company an environment where they can become the best version of themselves.

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Howard FullerService Award
Dr. Howard L. Fuller, Grad ’85
Milwaukee, Wis.

From his early days as a grassroots activist, Dr. Howard Fuller demonstrated his skill as a leader—and his instinctive ability to develop the leadership potential in others. His capacity to find and nurture this potential in people catalyzed the success of the many movements he has initiated.

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Adam and Elizabeth Feste McCostlinSpirit of Marquette Award (achievement before age 40)
Elizabeth Feste McCostlin, Arts ’06 and Adam M. McCostlin, Bus Ad ’06
Evanston, Ill.

Today, Adam and Beth McCostlin credit Marquette for igniting their passion to make a difference and equipping them both with the determination to "go forth and set the world on fire." Neither of them can imagine having chosen a different academic path. But as teens preparing to submit college applications, Marquette hadn't been on either of their radars.

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