2023 College of Education Award Recipients



IllandDistinguished Alumna of the Year Award
Emily Doyle Iland, Arts ’79
Issaquah, Wash.

When Emily Iland’s son, Tom, was 13, he was diagnosed with autism. Emily and Tom, now in his 30s, have used their knowledge about living with autism to serve others. They currently offer innovative education programs to promote the safety and well-being of people with autism and related conditions.

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DerrickYoung Alumnus of the Year Award
Michael A. Derrick, Ed ’11
Milwaukee, Wis. 

Mike Derrick understands how some educational experiences can be life changing. As a Marquette student, he participated in service learning and field placements that helped him discern where he was called to work. Mike served as the founding principal of Cristo Rey San Diego High School, a Catholic school with the mission of “making college completion obtainable for under-resourced communities,” he explains.

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