Young Alumnus of the Year Award

DerrickMichael A. Derrick, Ed ’11
Milwaukee, Wis.

Mike Derrick understands how some educational experiences can be life changing. As a Marquette student, he participated in service learning and field placements that helped him discern where he was called to work. Mike served as the founding principal of Cristo Rey San Diego High School, a Catholic school with the mission of “making college completion obtainable for under-resourced communities,” he explains.

“Opening a new high school amidst the pandemic is both incredibly challenging and rewarding,” he admits. His favorite part was working alongside the faculty and students in a faith-filled environment. “They bring so much joy and love to our school each and every day,” he says.

He sees the influence of the Marquette mission in his life and work. “At Marquette we were constantly challenged to ‘Be the Difference,’” he says. “This is something that sticks with you: How are you making an impact?” The founding class of Cristo Rey San Diego High School will graduate in 2024, and Mike looks forward to celebrating with them as they graduate from college in 2028.

He sees this honor from Marquette as a fitting celebration of the launch of the high school and the future success of its graduates. “The education I received at Marquette empowered me in incredible ways,” he says, “and it will have a lasting impact on our students.”

Fun Facts:

Share something interesting you're currently doing in your community.
I've recently picked up playing pickleball, which is exploding in popularity.

Name someone (past or present) with whom you'd like to have dinner.
We lost my dad in 2020; he's an easy choice. One of my favorite Marquette memories is running Al’s Run with my dad.

Name a Marquette faculty or staff member who had an impact on you.
Dr. Michael Fleet, professor emeritus of politics, was one of my favorite professors. He challenged us to write effectively and concisely.


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