2024 College of Health Sciences Award Recipients



InfusinoProfessional Achievement Award u
Daniel A. Infusino, H Sci ’99
Salem, Wis.

Be The Difference. Daniel Infusino takes Marquette’s tagline to another level. As vice president for corporate finance and strategy at Abbott, Daniel has quite literally made a difference in people’s lives by helping his company navigate the impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, which included the development and scaling of new rapid diagnostic tests and the management of innovation portfolios across multiple business segments.

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AlFadhalahService Award
Aisha A. AlFadhalah, H Sci ’13
Baltimore, Md.

For Aisha AlFadhalah, the Jesuit ideal of cura peronalis (care for the whole person) is achieved through food. The business she helped co-found, Mera Kitchen Collective in Baltimore, focuses on the empowerment of chefs from around the world by celebrating their talents in the kitchen and highlighting the value newcomers bring to the fabric of our society.

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AlbyYoung Alumnus of the Year Award
Dr. Kevin A. Alby, H Sci ’06
Chapel Hill, N.C.

Dr. Kevin Alby has accomplished more professionally during the time since he graduated from Marquette than many people do in a lifetime. Currently an associate professor and associate director of the clinical microbiology laboratory at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Kevin has established a reputation for excellence in the classroom and has made significant contributions to his profession as a prolific author and speaker.

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u Celebrating a Marquette Reunion