Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Award

FoyEdward J. Foy, Grad ’10
Cedarburg, Wis.

In 2023, Edward Foy became one of the most high-profile educators in Wisconsin when he accepted the role of Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. He oversees 103 Catholic schools across ten counties and says his graduate studies in Marquette’s College of Education helped prepare him for this role.

“Marquette’s mission has been integral to forming my views on leadership and service,” he says. “Catholic education has an extraordinary mission that compels our schools, students and staff to advance the common good and reflect the glory of God.”

One of Ed’s current goals is to help Catholic schools expand access to students with disabilities. “For too long Catholic schools have not made the critical decisions necessary to provide for the resources and programs that will allow for schools to be fully inclusive to students with special needs,” he says. The College of Education is currently collaborating with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee to help develop the necessary resources and expertise.

His professors and fellow students in the educational leadership program have been an invaluable support system in his career. Dr. Sara Burmeister, clinical assistant professor of educational policy and leadership, is a mentor. “Dr. Burmeister served as a school superintendent before coming to Marquette,” Ed says, “and her willingness to share those experiences in leadership was and continues to be valuable.”

Fun Facts:

Name someone (past or present) with whom you'd like to have dinner.
Theodore Roosevelt is one of my favorite biographical subjects from American history. Dinner listening to Teddy tell stories sounds like a lot of fun.

Tell us something about your life outside of work.
My wife, Angela, Law ’06, and I are blessed with three wonderful children from ages nineteen to thirteen. With one child each in college, high school and middle school, our busy family has much to celebrate.