Transcript requests can be made online (fastest and recommended option), by mail or in-person. Detailed information on pricing and options is available at Office of the Registrar’s website.
Replacement Diplomas
Need to replace your diploma? Detailed information on pricing and options is available on the Office of the Registrar's website.
The Golden Eagle Spirit Shop
Present your MUAA ID card and receive a 10% discount on all purchases of regular-price sport clothing. Discount applies to in-store purchases only. Visit the website.
Health Center Facilities
Marquette University offers special alumni rates at the Rec plex and – soon – at the new Wellness + Helfaer Recreation Center. Both facilities extend use of the swimming pools, racquetball/handball/squash courts, an aerobic room and a fully equipped weight room.
Raynor Library access
Alumni are extended borrowing privileges, when you present your ID card, and have a library record created (takes about 5 minutes). Any book in circulation can be checked out for up to one month at any Marquette library with your alumni card (Limit 10 books with one renewal). Visitor hours apply and are subject to change during holidays and summer. Visit the library website for more information.
Visitor Hours
Unless otherwise noted, library hours for guests and limited research pass holders are:
- Mon–Thurs: 9 AM - 8 PM
- Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM
- Saturday: Noon - 5 PM
- Sunday: Noon - 8 PM
Hours may vary during holidays, breaks, and summer sessions. Please reference the library Code of Conduct here.
Helfaer Theatre
Receive a 10% discount on your purchase of theatre tickets. Phone in your order and inform them you are an alumnus/a, then show your alumni ID card when you pick up your tickets to receive the discount.
Marquette Travel Program
Be an explorer! In the spirit of Father Jacques Marquette, famed Jesuit explorer and Marquette University's namesake, we invite you to take full advantage of your alma mater's exciting travel. Visit the alumni travel page for more information.
Continuing Education Programs
Continuing Education Programs offer you opportunities in the Graduate School and Graduate School of Management. To ease the application process, we will waive the application fee for all Marquette alumni and upload your transcript to your application free of charge.
Hotel Accommodations
If you're planning a trip to visit your alma mater, some of Milwaukee's finest hotels will make your stay a little easier. Many downtown hotels offer Marquette alumni rates when you present your Alumni ID card. Some restrictions apply, so be sure to check the details when making your reservations.* Visit the hotels page to learn about Milwaukee-area hotels offering special discounts to Marquette alumni.
*Due to peak seasons and black-out times, some hotels may not offer an alumni discount.