Young Alumna of the Year Award

EscamillaSonia C. Escamilla, H Sci ’16, Grad ’20
Milwaukee, Wis.

In her work as a program coordinator for the Medical College of Wisconsin, Sonia Escamilla supports students studying to become health care practitioners. She has a particular understanding of the education journey. “As a first-generation college graduate who was raised in a single-parent and low-income home,” she says, “I am forever grateful to those who took the time to invest in me and continue to do so, especially my mentors.”

Sonia grew up in Milwaukee and was long aware of Marquette and its excellent reputation. “But a huge factor in my decision to attend was being accepted into the Educational Opportunity Program, which provided support from day one,” she explains, adding that she has “extraordinary pride” about being an EOP alumna.

A college degree had seemed out of reach when she was a child. “At first, I thought just going to college was enough,” she recalls, “and then graduating was a dream come true, and then getting a graduate degree was achieving the impossible.” Today, Sonia is planning to go back to school to earn her doctorate.

She lives the Marquette value of service in multiple ways, including volunteering for organizations in the Milwaukee neighborhood where she was born and raised. Looking over her Marquette years, Sonia is grateful to the staff in the EOP office, who became “the support system I did not know I needed” during her undergraduate and graduate studies. “They inspire me to pay it forward and do the same for others,” she says.

Fun Facts:

What is one of your favorite Marquette memories?
What comes to mind are the many priceless moments that happened while studying in Cudahy and Coughlin Halls. During these study sessions, we always found fun ways to learn, but I also got plenty of time with lifelong friends.

Name someone (past or present) with whom you would like to have dinner.
My grandpa, who passed away nearly two years ago. He has been one of my biggest motivators in all aspects of my life, but particularly my education. The story of his journey to Milwaukee from Mexico in his youth will always help me stay motivated.


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