Innovation – It’s Ignatian!
Presented by Dr. Kristina Ropella, Eng '85, Opus Dean, Opus College of Engineering, Marquette University; and Kate Trevey, Bus Ad '04, Director of Engineering and Innovation Leadership Development, Marquette University
Innovation is a term – dare we say a buzzword - that we hear everywhere. What does it really mean? What does it really take to lead innovation? How can our Jesuit tradition inform how we lead innovation? Dr. Kris Ropella and Kate Trevey will engage participants in an interactive and inspiring session about leading innovation as servant leaders. They will share elements of the mindset and skillset required to effectively lead innovation and provide participants with the opportunity to consider their own readiness to serve the world and others through innovation.
More about this session
Dr. Kristina (Kris) Ropella, Eng '85, is Opus Dean of the Opus College of Engineering and professor of biomedical engineering at Marquette University. She joined the biomedical engineering faculty at Marquette in 1990 and served as the chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering from 2005 to 2013, when she was named the executive associate dean. Ropella assumed the permanent role of Opus Dean in 2015. In these leadership roles, Ropella provides vision and leads strategic planning and implementation, creation of academic programs, engagement with industry, government and other academic institutions, fundraising, and community outreach.
She is also founder and faculty director of Excellence in Leadership (E-Lead), a three-year curricular leadership development program for undergraduate students from across the disciplines at Marquette. Learn more about Dr. Ropella.
Kate Trevey, Bus Ad '04, is Director of Engineering and Innovation Leadership Development at Marquette University. Kate leads university-wide efforts to develop the leadership capacity of future innovators and change agents. She directs and teaches courses in the Excellence in Leadership (E-Lead) Program, guest lectures in several team-based engineering courses, and collaborates with a variety of other campus-wide leadership development initiatives. In addition, Kate facilitates corporate innovation and leadership development workshops for technical and engineering teams. She was named a 2019 Woman of Influence by the Milwaukee Business Journal. Prior to joining the Opus College of Engineering, Kate was responsible for campus-wide leadership development programming and worked as a corporate financial analyst for the Kohler Company.