Enhancing Global Public Health through Computer Science and Information Technologies
- Dr. Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Professor of Computer Science and Director of Ubicomp Lab at Marquette University
- Md Hasanul Aziz, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Computer Science at Marquette University
- Dr. Richard Love, Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Marquette University
Learn how Marquette’s Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp) Lab is bringing computer science into the service of man. With projects using the full range of information technology tools, Professor Ahamed's lab is developing signature initiatives in global public health in Palliative medicine – with a cell phone and web app systems for home care in Nepal, Bangladesh and Nigeria; in measurement and management of Long Covid and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome symptoms with a package of sensory tools; and in the creation of noninvasive fingertip cell phone video systems for measurement of blood hemoglobin, white blood count, creatinine and hemoglobin A1c levels.
More about this session
Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed is a professor of Computer Science and director of Ubicomp lab at Marquette University. He is the founding chair of the Department of Computer Science at Marquette, affiliated faculty of the Biomedical Engineering department of Marquette, and adjunct faculty of UW-Milwaukee and Medical College of Wisconsin. He is a senior member of the IEEE, ACM, and the IEEE Computer Society. He completed his Ph.D. in computer science from Arizona State University in 2003. His research interests include mHealth, affective computing, non-intrusive technologies. He is active in system and application development of mHealth projects for Native American, Hispanic communities, veterans and other underserved populations like Nepal, Bangladesh. He has graduated 16 Ph.D. students and 40 M.S. students and 30 B.S. senior design students. His research at Ubicomp lab are funded by NIH, NSF, NIDILRR, CTSI, HWPP and donations from philanthropists. He has published 200+ peer reviewed journal, conference and workshop papers. He has received twelve best paper/posters awards in the last 10 years. Dr. Ahamed serves regularly on international conference program committees in software engineering and pervasive computing such as COMPSAC, PERCOM and SAC. He has been serving as the Standing Committee Vice Chair of IEEE COMPSAC since 2015. He is the general chair of IEEE Digital Health 2022 and is the guest editor of Computer Communications Journal, Elsevier.
Md Hasanul Aziz is a Ph.D. candidate and graduate assistant in the Department of Computer Science at Marquette University. He has five years of experience working in the computer science area where he has worked with health informatics for the last three years. He was a summer fellow at Northwestern Mutual Data Science Institute in 2019, and Department of Computer Science at Marquette University in 2020. He has three posters published in poster sessions and two peer-reviewed publications in journal papers.
Dr. Richard Love is an adjunct research professor in the Department of Computer Science. He is a medical oncologist and internist who retired in 2012 after 35 years in academic medicine at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, The Ohio State University and the National Cancer Institute in Washington, D.C. He has worked in Asia for over 30 years on accessible and affordable medical interventions.