Marquette Mentors


“I’m so grateful for the experiences I had with my mentor through Marquette Mentors. I’ll continue to carry those connections and experiences with me throughout my undergraduate career and beyond.” 


“My mentor was the best fit and shadowing them was a highlight of my last semester! There is an open invitation from them to keep in touch. They clearly care about my personal and professional growth.”


“Marquette Mentors is the best of all of the mentoring programs that I have been a part of my entire career.”


Mentors and mentees

How It Works

A 1:1 match with selected students and alumni in approximately 30 states and Europe. Students will be selected based upon college, major, career interest, completed application information; interview (if selected as a finalist); and potential post-graduation geographic destination (when applicable)


Students in the following colleges/majors/programs should consider applying:


College of Business Administration: All majors. Encouraged to apply: Seniors

College of Education: Encouraged to apply: All years

College of Health Sciences: Majors: Biomedical Sciences, Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Physical Therapy. Encouraged to apply: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors

College of Nursing: Encouraged to apply: Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors

Diederich College of Communication: All majors. Encouraged to apply: All years

Graduate School

Klingler College of Arts and Sciences: Majors: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, English, History, Peacemaking Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology. Encouraged to apply: All years

Opus College of Engineering: All majors. Encouraged to apply: Sophomores

Pre-Dental: All majors, any year

Pre-Law: All majors, any year

Students in the following programs (all class years):

Alpha Sigma Nu, EOP, Honors Program, Kohler Center for Entrepreneurship, RISE, Schmitt Fellows, Trinity Fellows and Urban Scholars.

Please note: Due to the degree of required program participation, students planning to study abroad or at the Les Aspin Center for Government at any time during the academic year are not eligible to apply.

47 campus partners



Aug. 22: Application period begins

Sept. 5: Marquette Mentors at O-Fest

Noon, Friday, Sept. 6: Application deadline

Sept. 17 - 24: Mentee selection and mentee, mentor Best Practices workshops

Thursday, Sept. 26: Pre-Kickoff Social, 3rd Street Market Hall

Friday, Sept. 27: Kickoff breakfast celebration with mentors, mentees, mentee alumni and campus partners, Alumni Memorial Union and Lemonis Center for Student Success.

Friday, Oct. 11: Mentor-mentee Goals and Communication Agreement documents due

October-April: Ongoing engagement through workshops, online and in-person communication with mentees, mentors, and university staff and faculty

April 24: Marquette Mentors finale celebration



Measuring Success


  • Completion of individual mentee-mentor goals determined by mentors/mentees at program’s outset in September.


  •  In addition to working directly with an alumni mentor, high-touch support, including mentee workshops, 1:1 communication with program staff and online resources.


  • Ongoing dialogue/discussion with mentors and mentees throughout initiative and the conclusion of the program, including conversation outcomes and frequency; topics discussed; projected next steps for future dialogue; how to additionally support mentors and mentees; and tracking potential shadow and campus visits.


  • Career development tracking (internships and job opportunity exploration, networking opportunities with mentors, mentee alumni, mentees and campus partners).


  • Mid-point and conclusion: online evaluation surveys.


  • Ongoing communication between mentors and mentees beyond formal program conclusion for mentor to continue to serve as a resource to their mentee.
+ Application Tips


Take your time when completing the application. One suggestion is to copy and save the application questions, complete in a Word document and then paste your response in the appropriate question when you’re ready to submit it via the registration link.


Be thoughtful when completing the application, specifically with the questions requesting your program goals if selected and why you’d like to be considered as a mentee. What separates you from other candidates? How would you benefit from a mentor? Share your story and limit the response to a maximum of two paragraphs where noted.


Contact with questions.

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