The lasting friendships and connections I made as a student are among my fondest memories of Marquette, and I’m sure this holds true for you as well.
We have the opportunity – through Alumni National Awards and Alumni Reunion Weekend – to visit campus, tour the sacred spaces on campus, see old friends, attend a reunion Mass at the Church of the Gesu, forge new relationships and celebrate our award recipients for their selfless devotion to service in the mission of Marquette.
I urge you to return to campus the weekend of June 2-5, 2022, to support your fellow alumni and to remember what makes Marquette so special – the community, the connections and the pride of belonging to our Marquette family.
As a reminder, at this year’s reunion we will celebrate undergraduate class years ending in a 1, 2, 6 or 7, classes of 2020 and 2021 and the 20th anniversary of the Black Alumni Association.
I hope to see you there!
William J. Krueger, Eng ’87
Marquette University Alumni Association National Board of Directors

School of Dentistry receives $2 million gift from Delta Dental of Wisconsin Foundation
The gift will support technology enhancements and the establishment of the Delta Dental Advanced Care Clinic, a dedicated area that will strengthen care for individuals with special needs, enhance focused training and create “dental homes.” Read more.

U.S. News releases 2023 Best Graduate Schools rankings
U.S. News and World Report released its 2023 Best Graduate Schools rankings, and many Marquette programs held steady over last year’s rankings. Several graduate programs moved up in the rankings. Read more.

Diederich College of Communication students traveled to San Juan, Puerto Rico as part of the college’s Diederich Experience initiative
Over spring break, 10 students and two faculty/ staff from the Diederich College of Communication spent four days in San Juan, Puerto Rico as part of the college’s Diederich Experience initiative. While there, the group explored the field of communication through meetings with representatives and clients of alumnus Bernardo Fiol-Costa’s public relations firm The Big Think Group, staff of GFR Media and DDB Latina, and even a guest appearance on WAPA-TV. In addition, Diederich College students and Dean Sarah Feldner joined the Offices of Undergraduate Admissions and Alumni Engagement for a reception welcoming the incoming Class of 2026 to the Marquette family.
Special thank you to Tim Mullen, Comm ’96, Bernardo Fiol-Costa, Comm ’93, and Krystal Morales, Comm ’17, who engaged with the students and spoke to their career paths and industry experience.

Encountering Jesus at the table
A Lenten reflection for Holy Week by Kathy Coffey-Guenther, Ph.D., Senior Mission and Ignatian Leadership Specialist. Read the reflection.

If today you hear God’s voice
Rev. Jim Voiss, S.J., vice president for mission and ministry, reflects on the scripture, “If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your heart.” View the reflection.

Rev. Fred Zagone, S.J., and Tom Koester share a song during Lent in the newly restored St. Joan of Arc Chapel. View the song.

Dr. Christine Navia named vice president for inclusive excellence
Dr. Christine (Chris) Navia, currently the chief diversity officer at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, has been named Marquette University’s vice president for inclusive excellence, Provost Kimo Ah Yun announced. Navia will begin in the role on July 1. Read more.

AIM program founding director Dr. David Krause to retire
Dr. David Krause, founding director of the College of Business Administration’s nationally recognized Applied Investment Management program, will retire at the end of the academic term, acting Keyes Dean of Business Administration Tim Hanley announced to the college. Read more.

Marquette Women in Leadership: Career insights and lessons
TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 2022 | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CDT
Join us for a conversation about leadership with two Marquette alumnae who have made their marks on the health care and finance industries. Hear their perspectives on how Marquette values informed their professional journeys, their favorite insights from the C-suite, and what lessons they would share with other professionals and women on the career path.