Alumni National Awards

College of Education Award Recipients

KrugCounselor Education and Counseling Psychology Achievement Award
Dr. Matthew J. Krug, Grad ’05, ’12
Milwaukee, Wis.

Matt Krug is always ready for anything. It’s an attitude that’s vital to success when you’re the director of psychological services for the Milwaukee Brewers. Matt was one of the first in the MLB to hold that title and has a front row seat to success stories every day. After working with someone to better themselves, he watches them hit the ground running, turning their dreams into reality.

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GutierrezEducational Policy and Leadership Achievement Award
Laura E. Gutierrez, Grad ’01
Wind Lake, Wis.

Laura Gutierrez learned for herself that there’s truly no place like home. The Milwaukee native is the executive director at the United Community Center in Milwaukee, where she leads a team in giving back to the community through education, arts, recreation, community, health, and even human services. She’s proud to invest in the community that invested in her as a little girl.

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BurnsYoung Alumna of the Year Award
Amanda Lloyd Burns, Arts ’09
Madison, Wis.

Ever since Amanda Burns walked across the stage at graduation in 2009, she’s been on a mission to take care of others. At Marquette, she knew she mattered to the community, and she wants to instill that in young children. Amanda seeks to be the difference in the lives of not only children but also educators.

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Previous Alumni National Award Recipients

2021 Alumni National Award Recipients

2019 Alumni National Award Recipients

2018 Alumni National Award Recipients

2017 Alumni National Award Recipients

2016 Alumni National Award Recipients

2015 Alumni National Award Recipients

2014 Alumni National Award Recipients

2013 Alumni National Award Recipients

2012 Alumni National Award Recipients

2011 Alumni National Award Recipients

2010 Alumni National Award Recipients