Seventh Annual Dreamers Gala: "We Will Rise Up"
Seven years ago, a dedicated group of students and staff came together with a dream: to create a scholarship to help ease the financial burden for undocumented students at Marquette University.
Through their hard work, these students launched the inaugural Dreamers Gala to raise funds. And through the generosity of the
community, their vision came to fruition with the endowment of the Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., Dreamer's Scholarship.
This year has been full of challenges: a pandemic, the loss of loved ones, and the lingering uncertainty regarding the DACA program, leaving Dreamers’ futures hanging in the balance. Despite the challenges, our Dreamers have managed to rise to the occasion. This year’s theme, "We Will Rise Up", celebrates the resilience and perseverance of our Dreamers during a year filled with trials, and highlights our stance of solidarity with them as we work toward a more just future.
Today, we continue to build upon the vision of the original student organizers. This spring, students will once again lead the effort to raise funds and expand the impact of the scholarship. We invite you to help our Dreamers persist. We hope that you will join us to celebrate the accomplishments and to support the financial needs of Marquette's undocumented students.
5:30 p.m. CST - Reception (Cash Bar)
6:30 p.m. CST - Dinner and Program
Alumni Memorial Union, Monaghan Ballroom
1442 W. Wisconsin Ave., Marquette University campus
$75 Student/Sponsor a Student
$100 Young Alumni (MU undergrad years 2011-2021)
$150 Individual
$1,200 Table Sponsor
If you don't have all of your guests' names for you or a table sponsorship, please fill in "TBD" and contact University Special Events at universityspecialevents@marquette.edu or (414) 288-7431 by March 9, 2022 with your guests. If you are sponsoring a student and do not have their name and would like us to identify one to attend, please fill in "sponsor a student."
Pre-registration for the Gala is required. Please respond by Thursday, March 17.
Formal attire
Limited parking will be available for $10 in the 16th Street Structure located at 749 N. 16th St. or the Wells Street Structure located at 1240 W. Wells St. Metered and street parking may also be available.
Please consider making a donation to potentially include in an online auction or raffle on the evening of the gala. For questions about in-kind donations, please contact Jacki Black at jacqueline.black@marquette.edu or (414) 288-4118.
For registration questions or special needs, please contact University Special Events at universityspecialevents@marquette.edu or
(414) 288-7431.
If you are unable to attend, please consider a gift to the Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., Dreamers Scholarship Fund. Please select "Other Fund Designation” and type in "Ignacio Ellacuría, S.J., Dreamers Scholarship Fund." Dreamers Gala donations will be matched up to $25,000 through March 8, 2022.

Marquette is adhering to CDC and local guidelines for events and COVID precautions. Masks are currently required at all indoor spaces on Marquette’s campus. Thank you for your patience as we continually assess the fluid situation and communicate any changes. You can find the latest updates at marquette.edu/coronavirus.